This week training went pretty smoothly. I also got to enjoy much of my running with company. 71 miles total. A quick recap:
Monday - REST! No really, I did. For the first time in 11 days.
Tuesday - 15 BEFORE I started teaching. I can't believe I actually did it - the mid week long run. I found this group online called "Moms Run This Town" and they were meeting at 5am for 7 miles.... so I set my alarm for 4:30am, was out the door by 4:40, ran with them for 7, ran back home, another few in my neighborood, showered and got the kids ready for school, and then finished up with 2.5 with the boys running club I coach.
Wednesday - 7 recovery. I did 4 with my neighbor and finished up on my own. Entire run was finished by 6:30am.
Thursday - I did three in the morning with the running club (and paced a speedy little 5th grader for the last mile to figure out a goal pace for his 5K. He did an 8 minute mile for his last mile, after already doing 2.5 --I'm not sure I'll be able to pace him for the actual 5K, which is a week after the marathon!) Then I did a 9 mile tempo run on the W&OD with Brittany. Our goal was to hold half marathon pace for 7 miles, with a 1 mile warm up and cool down. Our average was about 7:35 for the tempo miles, but we did stop a couple of times to drink/ Gu/ complain that the last 3.5 miles were uphill. So we sort of did a tempo run, and vowed that next time we will only stop once. And then the next time we won't stop at all. Ya know... we gotta build up to being real runners. Who follow real plans.
Friday - 6 recovery miles with an awesome co-worker right after work.
Saturday - 22 miles with Tuan and Brittany at 6am. We were supposed to pick up the pace at the end. The first 16 miles were between 8:45 - 9:10 (aside from one ridiculously slow mile right at the beginning.), and the last 6 were between 8:22 (that was the fastest one) and 8:40. So the last 6 were all within 30 second of marathon pace. Booyah. (However, I am not sure I could have held actual marathon pace for those last six miles... within 30 seconds was hard enough.)
Sunday - This was my first year to spectate at the Marine Corps Marathon. My friend Michelle was trying to break 4:30 and I said I'd meet her at The Wall (AKA Mile 20) and push her til she wanted to punch me in the face. Which I did. And she finished in 4:25 -- PR of about 20 minutes! I ran to the metro and up and down the 14th Bridge -- got in a total of about 9 miles.
I greatly enjoyed being a spectator. We held up this sign:
The real runners totally got it. Some of them even asked us what their Paul Ryan Projected Finish time was. But some people thought were there supporting the Romney/ Ryan ticket -- I guess I should have work the shirt I wore to MCM 2008:
(Sidenote: Yes, that's a pregnant tummy, and no I didn't run the whole marathon in 2008 -- only the 10K.)
So there is a HURRICANE on the way and I have no idea what that's going to do to next week's mileage, which is supposed to be another peak week. I may have to rest on Tuesday since that's when we're supposed to have monsoons and 50-60mph winds. And possibly power outages. Ugh. I'm already worried about the food in my freezer. They have called off school for the next two days. I think I may need to get out and run just to keep my sanity - two kids and a house with likely no electricity is going to be... interesting.
At least my massage therapist called and said she will be doing massages by candlelight tomorrow as long as we can get there. :)
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