Here is the annoying thing. They keep the waitlist rolling along until April 3. The race is April 14. So that would mean I could find out whether or not I get in, oh, 11 days before the race. Because you can really cram and train for a 50 mile trail race in 11 days, right?
Ugh. So do I just take myself off the waitlist and call it a wash? I'll have a better idea on where I stand in a week or so as people who were selected can choose to withdraw, and those not selected can choose to stay on the waitlist or give up. If things aren't looking good I guess my options are:
1. Withdraw and concentrate on the Ironman training -- get going on the bike and allow my body to recover from the March Rock N Roll USA Marathon . If I don't break 4 hours in March like I want to, it also gives me the option of doing another marathon 6 weeks later. THEN register for the JFK 50 which is in November.
2. Withdraw and register for the Glacier 50 miler just north of Pittsburgh on the same day. Really not leaning towards that option. Too far.
3. Stay on the waitlist, train like I"m running it, and hope for the best. That means 50-70 miles per week in late March and early April. Do I really want to train like that and then risk the possibility of having nothing to run?
Logically #1 seems like the best option. Might do better with the Ironman training if I'm not recovering from a 50. And the JFK 50 will coincide perfectly with the fall marathon training schedule. Still, really had my heart set on Bull Run.... boo for the lottery!!!
Sorry you didn't get in. It is a tough decision you have now, on whether to keep training or not.